Pete Nelson

Mixture co-founder

This site is running on Mixture

Posted: Wed Jan 30 2013. Tags: mixture, tech

I've been looking for a test project for a while to use with Mixture and I've also been looking to move this blog from Wordpress for a while as we are no longer running a dedicated Linux server so I thought I would have a quick go at porting this blog over. It was actually surprisingly easy to do and I'm pretty happy with the result.

The steps I followed were:

  • Save Wordpress homepage to a file
  • Strip out loads of the markup and save everything outside of the loop to a layout.liquid file
  • Create an index.liquid which holds a for loop with model tags in
  • Install the JSON API plugin on Wordpress and get my posts as a big JSON document
  • Split these into years and create liquid pages for each year
  • Push the whole thing live an switch over the DNS to point to Mixture

Mixture is not currently setup to do paging which is why I made a year for each page - but this is likely to change soon which will make it far easier to create a site that has a series of articles.

It's really important, as I've found, to test your product in real-life scenarios rather than just test scenarios as you really start to understand the benefits (and issues) of a solution